We need your help!
We really care about valuing every single euro donated to us by individuals and private funds. We try to restrain our operating costs as much as possible so that Halligudi inhabitants can benefit from private or public generosity.
The costs of running the hospital on a monthly basis, including staff and medicines, is about 3.000 euros.
Since it has been created, the hospital is financially self-sustaining, depending on a variety of funding:
- Shri Mahesh Ghatradyal and his family’s funds
- Single or regular private individuals’ donations
- Partnerships (Veolia Environment, etc.)
- The selling of Shri Mahesh Ghatradyal’s books and accessories
- Foundations (AirLiquide, Servir, etc.)
- Fundraising events
Most of our funds are currently allocated to the nursery project, which will be launched very soon.
To be achieved, this project needs:
- 120.000 euros for the building
- 20.000 euros for staff’s wages and training over a one year period
- 10.000 euros for teaching equipment in order to properly attend children’s needs
Thanks to the contemporary art auction Child Care For All, which took place on November 2015, we already raised 33.000 euros.
Where do our funds come from?
F.I.K. mostly depends on private individuals’ generosity, which contributes to half of the association’s total budget.
To ensure our actions are sustainable, we hold different kind of fundraising events (charity auctions, heroes race, solidarity yoga trainings, etc.)
Lastly, different kind of lenders (foundations, public institutions, etc.) can take action and help us with specific new developpment projects.
How do we manage our funds?
On both French and Indian sides, the association’s accounts are audited every year.
Under the control of the treasurer and the secretary, the president manages the budget bill.
Every year, the budget is checked and approved during a general assembly, which takes place in May.
Tax relief
Private individuals : you can benefit from a 66% tax relief on your donation, up to an equivalent of your taxable income. Thus a 100 euros donation actually costs you 34 euros.
To benefit from the tax relief, you have to join FIK tax receipt to your tax return. If you do not make your tax return by the internet, then you do not have to send a receipt. You just have to keep it in case the tax office asks you for a proof.
Companies : (subjected to the income or corporate tax) : the donation provides you with a 60% tax relief, up to an equivalent of 0.5% of the sales revenue.
Dons en ligne
Bank transfer
Account Holder: France Inde Karnataka
IBAN: FR76 3000 4003 4400 0004 4190 713
Pour tout paiement en ligne, merci de nous transmettre les informations suivantes à l’adresse email franceindekarnataka@gmail.com: nom/ prénom/ adresse/ code postal/ ville/ pays/ email
Dons par courrier
Faire le chèque à l’ordre de France Inde Karnataka, et l’envoyer à l’adresse suivante:
France Inde Karnataka
c/o Christine Louppe
2 rue Chevrette
94120 Fontenay-sous-Bois
Merci de nous joindre les informations suivantes lors de l’envoi de votre chèque: nom/ prénom/ adresse/ code postal/ ville/ pays/ email